3 Things to do when business is slow
With summer arriving, you may find business slowing down as people go on vacations, schedules change, and relaxing in the sun becomes more of a priority. So if this is your first summer as a business owner, don't fret. It's normal...unless your business is summer related and then you're probably a madwoman this time of year. 😁
These three tips I'm sharing are good to do anytime the hustle and bustle of business is a little slow. Let's break 'em down.
Analyze and Audit
I think for most of us, analyzing numbers doesn't seem like fun, so we put it off, half-ass it, or simply don't do it. Totally get that, but it's a necessity for business owners and I guarantee you will be able to make better business decisions from it.
So, what should you analyze and audit? Included, but not limited to: email deliverability rates, open rates, click rate, social media posts (likes, comments, reach), and videos from all the platforms you upload them to. That should give ya plenty to start with! Take note of what is working and what flopped, what can you change, and how.
2. Focus on Engagement
Engaging on social media can be an arduous task. As CEO you are doing #allthethings and social media, especially engagement, tends to be low on the totem pole. Use this time to be intentional with your social media by going being liking posts. Genuinely comment on your followers’ posts, search reels and interact with them, and re-share posts to your stories that compliment your brand.
3. Implement something new
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. This is where I see a lot of clients get hung up on because, frankly, doing something new is scary and uncomfortable. For example, if you're pouring all your time, energy, and marketing efforts into Instagram, but your ROI has been obsolete, it's time to switch it up a little. Ya know that business item that's been on your to-do list for months, summer may be the perfect time for you to grab a beverage, sit outside and start doing the damn thing! The greatest growth comes from the uncomfortable.
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